Week 2 questions

  1. I think the most unexpected friendship was Albert and Ally, but the way they become friends was meeting in a group of people and they found out they really like each other.
  2. An unexpected friendship I have is me and Reagan, I never thought we would be friends since in 5th grade I had no idea how to talk to new people and she wasn’t in my class but Abbey, Reagan, an me had a sleepover and I started to hangout with them. Now I consider her as one of my best friends!!
  3. what’s your favorite thing about making new friends?

Book Club Questions

  1. ) The main character seems to get in trouble a lot, after starting the book I feel like  it will be an interesting story and so far I can connect to it in the way that we both go to a school.

2. )  The most noticeable characters we’ve met is the teacher and Shay, the teacher seems to be stressed and upset with Ally. While Shay is considered the class bully.

3. ) Who is your favorite character so far? 😀